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Kokam (Kokum) Syrup 


Sugar, Water, Kokum Juice, Salt, Citric Acid,(In330), Cumin Permitted Colour E122,e132 & 

Class Ii Preservative Ins211

Kokum Is Also Known As The “indian Butter Tree” And Is A Fruit-bearing Tree. All Parts Of Kokum I.e., (Fruits, Peels And Seeds) Have Plenty Of Health Benefits. The Dried Peel Of The Fruit Is Used As A Flavoring Agent In Curries.

Kokum Helps In Weight Loss By Reducing The Production Of Fatty Acids As Well As Increasing The Secretion Of A Hormone (Serotonin) Which Suppresses Appetite. Kokum, When Taken Orally, Might Also Be Useful In Managing Gastric Ulcers Due To Its Anti-inflammatory And Antimicrobial Properties. Drinking Kokum Juice Helps To Expel Heat, Reduce Acidity And Relieve Sunstroke. Kokum Juice Also Helps Manage The Blood Sugar Levels By Increasing Insulin Secretion Due To Its Anti-diabetic And Antioxidant Properties.

Benefits Of Kokum

1. Indigestion

Kokum Helps To Manage Indigestion. According To Ayurveda, Indigestion Means The State Of An Incomplete Process Of Digestion. The Main Reason For Indigestion Is Aggravated Kapha That Causes Agnimandya (Weak Digestive Fire). Taking Kokum Helps To Improve Agni (Digestive Fire) And Digests The Food Easily. This Is Due To Its Deepan (Appetizer) And Pachan (Digestive) Properties Respectively.

2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Kokum Is Useful To Manage The Symptoms Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ibd). According To Ayurveda, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ibd) Is Caused Due To An Imbalance Of Pachak Agni (Digestive Fire). Taking Kokum Helps To Improve The Pachak Agni (Digestive Fire) And Reduces The Symptoms Of Ibd.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea Is Known As Atisar In Ayurveda. It Is Due To Improper Food, Impure Water, Toxins, Mental Stress And Agnimandya (Weak Digestive Fire). All These Factors Are Responsible For Aggravating Vata. This Aggravated Vata Brings Fluid In The Intestine From Various Tissues From The Body And Mixes With The Stool. This Leads To Loose, Watery Motions Or Diarrhea. Kokum Helps To Control Diarrhea. This Is Because Of Its Kashaya (Astringent) And Grahi (Absorbent) Properties. It Helps To Thicken Loose Stool And Control The Frequency Of Loose Motion Or Diarrhea.